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Information and Advice on Halloween Waste

Information and Advice on Halloween Waste

Added at 11:10 on 19 October 2021

Communities across Leicester and Leicestershire are being urged to get involved to help prevent food and household waste this Halloween.

It’s estimated up to 15 million pumpkins are binned in the UK every Halloween – but the flesh, seeds and even the stringy bits can be used to serve up some delicious treats instead. Once you have finished with your lantern, if it can’t be eaten, it can go in a compost bin.

However, it’s not just food waste that increases at this time of year, two out of every five Halloween costumes get thrown away after just one wear. This means an estimated 7 million Halloween items of clothing are sent to landfill every year in the UK.

For information and advice on having a low waste Halloween celebration, please visit:

Keep your eyes peeled for additional advice and calls to action on social media:

Sign-up for a Halloween themed cooking class, craft recycling activity, or pumpkin composting session near you. Listings are available at:

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