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Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Wharf Lane, Sutton Cheney

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order - Wharf Lane, Sutton Cheney

Added at 20:20 on 24 November 2021

Leicestershire County Council Highways has agreed to a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order at the above location.

A road closure is required on Wharf Lane, Sutton Cheney the 8th December 2021 for one day. The clsoure will be between the hours of 09:30 and 15:30.

The Temporary Traffic Regulation Order will be implemented for public safety for BT Openreach and their contractors to facilitate pole testing.

The proposed alternative diversion route will be via: Fenn Lanes, Market Bosworth Road, Dadlington Road, Ambion Lane, Sutton Cheney and vice versa.

During the closures, alternative routes available to all traffic can be viewed at

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