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Residents Survey - Results Published

Added on 16 November 2018

Thank you to everyone who completed our Residents Survey 2018.  

This valuable feedback highlights what local people see as priorities within the Parish and what issues they would like the Parish Council to focus on addressing over the next financial year.

To view the report, please click here

Each point that has been raised within the consultation will now be highlighted for action. The Parish Council will respond to issues which fall within their control by issuing a “You Said, We Did” report that will be published shortly.

For issues that fall outside of the control of the Parish Council, we will look to invite various partners to address the other issues made – either as a formal response or by speaking at one of our upcoming Parish Council meetings.

Regular feedback and updates will be made available on our website, posted on noticeboards as well as posts on our new Facebook page. 

Any further queries, please get in touch.

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