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More fibre broadband has arrived in Sutton Cheney

Added on 02 November 2017

More than 73,000 homes and businesses across Leicester and Leicestershire now have access to fibre broadband, thanks to the county council’s £28 million Superfast Leicestershire project.

Now that another fibre broadband cabinet has gone live in Sutton Cheney, more than 40 extra homes and businesses in the area can now upgrade to the new high-speed technology. The new cabinet is located in Bosworth Road. To find out if your property or business can upgrade, please use the line checker, view the coverage map or contact your broadband supplier.

There are lots of benefits for both residents and businesses; for example everything online will be quicker, so if you use services such as iPlayer you won’t waste time while the program buffers. Or, if you have several people in a house using the internet at the same time, there won’t be a drop in service. Alternatively, if you work from home where you regularly upload and download large files, collaborate with colleagues on documents in real time or require high-quality video conferencing, then you’ll also benefit.


What is superfast fibre broadband?

Superfast fibre broadband is the new generation of broadband – much faster, more reliable and it uses a different technology.

While most traditional broadband (known as ADSL) is delivered via copper telephone lines, superfast fibre broadband uses fibre optic cable as part of the link between the customer and the telephone exchange. Through this people can access download speeds of up to 50Mbps.

There are three simple steps you need to follow:

Step 1) Visit the line checker on the Superfast Leicestershire website:

Step 2) Review your current broadband contract and research potential broadband providers.

Step 3) Contact your chosen broadband provider and arrange the upgrade.

What happens if I don’t upgrade?

If you choose not to upgrade to superfast fibre broadband, you’ll be able to continue using your existing broadband service as normal.

Should your phone number not work in the line checker please use the broadband availability checker here - 

For more information please visit:

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