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LCC Parish and Communities Update Issue 10

Added at 09:52 on 20 February 2024


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Issue 10 of our Parish and Communities update can be found below. 


Please continue to let us know what you think, your feedback is important to us and will allow us to improve our services to you.



  • Street Lighting Engagement – current position

The pilot scheme for dimming streetlights has now begun with 63,000 streetlights being dimmed to 30 per cent intensity from 8pm across the County.  This will result in a financial saving of £380,000 and will see an approximate carbon saving of 261 tonnes.

The pilot is for 18 months, whereby the data will be under constant review, and if there be any areas of concern, consideration will be made to adjusting the lights back, should the evidence support this.   The final data will be evaluated at the end of the pilot and the next steps will be decided at LCC Cabinet.  Current lighting levels will be retained in some areas such as where there are traffic calming measures and town centres with officers working closely with the police and emergency services on any issues.  


For further details on the trial, including FAQs, visit:



  • Keep up to date on the latest information on gritting and travel, including the interactive gritting map here.


  • All Recycling and Household Waste Sites (tips) have moved to winter opening hours from 1st October 2023 to 31 March 2024 (09.00 to 16.00 hrs), Visitors are encouraged to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to closing with the last admittance at 15.55 hrs.


  • Three of the LCC waste sites are due to be temporarily closed due to the installation of the Rehome Zones which is part of the Reuse Project (along with essential maintenance work at Coalville site).  The sites involved are below:
    • Coalville; (4 weeks) 5th February – 1st March 2024
    • Melton; (2 weeks) 19th February – 1st March 2024
    • Barwell; (3 weeks) 4th March to 22nd March 2024

Click here to find an alternative waste sites during this period.


  • We would encourage residents to only travel to a RHWS in icy / snowy conditions if it is necessary to do so. Sites may need to open late / or temporarily close if the conditions on site are not safe at any time.  Reminder to always check the website before planning a visit to a waste site as the website will be kept updated where closures over 4 hours occur.


  • The Government has passed legislation that introduces a 'free allowance' for construction and demolition waste received at Recycling and Household Waste Sites from works undertaken by residents themselves. Steps will be taken to introduce the free allowance (two bags or one large item per week) from 1st January 2024.  Existing charges shall apply to waste above the free allowances.


  • Details of weekly planned roadworks throughout Leicestershire can be found here. This is updated every Monday and shows the following 10 days, please note this is only up to date at the time of creation and will not contain information on emergency works, however this can be found on the site.


  • To log an enquiry, we would ask that you use the ‘Report a problem’ online form wherever possible - this form guides you through the identification and location of the issue,  allowing easy input of the relevant data.  You do not have to log in or have an account to do this and you will receive an acknowledgement, reference number, and receive regular updates on the issue reported.


  • For all other enquiries that do not fit into the ‘Report a problem’ form, please submit these using the exclusive email address ', this was introduced several years ago to ensure that Parish Councils and Community Organisations are provided with a consistent and centralised approach.


Information on local services, latest news and events can also be found on our Information for parishes and communities webpage and LCC website.


Contact the Special Projects Team, Environment and Transport Department on 0116 305 5186 or at




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