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Car Key Burglaries

Added on 17 July 2018

We are currently seeing an increase in so called ‘car key burglaries’ 

A car key burglary is a crime where someone breaks into your home with the specific aim of removing your car keys and stealing your car. An operation is in place to find and arrest those responsible and car owners are being urged to take some simple crime prevention measures to protect their car.

The best advice is to hide your car keys and keep them well away from the front door taking them upstairs with you when you go to bed.

Steering wheel locks are becoming more popular again and can prevent the car being stolen even if someone has the keys – they also act as a deterrent. If it has an alarm or immobiliser then make sure it is switched on.

You can also have your vehicles windows etched with its registration number or the last seven digits of the vehicle identification number (VIN). This can put criminals off, as it makes your car more difficult to sell. It also makes it easier for the police to identify and/or return your vehicle if it is stolen.

Always park your car in a garage if you have one.

Finally, if you're aware of anyone behaving suspiciously around your home or vehicle, please call us immediately on 101 or visit for ways to report. If there is a crime on going dial 999.

#BeKeysConcious #SaferSummer


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